SIETAR Japan, Kansai Chapter April 2011 Meeting“Teaching Intercultural Communication in Japan: A Materials Sharing Workshop”

Presenters:   SIETARJapan Members

Deadline for proposals for this workshop is April 3, by email to Miho Yoshioka, (see required proposal information below)

Date:     April 24 (Sunday), 2:00pm-5:00pm

Place:  Takatsuki Shiritsu Sogo Shimin Koryu Center, 3F, Room 1

       ( 1 minute walk from JR Takatsuki Station),  Tel. 0726-85-3721


Fee:   500 yen for members and students, 1,000 yen for non-members

Languages:  English and Japanese, depending on presenters


Description of the Workshop

SIETAR members are invited to share their tried and true materials for teaching intercultural communication in Japan.  Each presenter will be allowed a maximum of 20-25 minutes. Presentations (maximum 4 persons) will be selected to assure a balance in the language (presentations may be made in Japanese or English) and topic/content/level.

Call for Presenters:

SIETAR members who are interested in presenting their ICC teaching materials at the April workshop should send the following information by April 3 to: Miho Yoshioka,

Please put “SIETAR April Meeting” in the subject of the email.

1. Presenter’s Name    

2. Title of proposed presentation

3. Presenter’s professional affiliation

4. Presenter’s contact information: email and phone number  

5. Field/level (who will the presentation be directed at?)

6. Short description of the proposed presentation (about 100 words or less)

Video machine, DVD player, OHC and projector are available for presentation.

Please bring your own computer if you need to use your power point.

Presenters should bring about 20 photocopies of your material to the workshop.

Successful proposals will be notified by April 9.