Presenter: Prof. Jeff Berglund ( Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
Date: Sunday November 20 (3:00pm-5:00pm)
Place: Takatsuki Shiritsu Sogo Shimin Koryu Center, 3F(Rm2)
( 1 minute from JR Takatsuki Station), Tel. 0726-85-3721
Fee: 500 yen for members and students, 1,000yen for non-members
Language: Japanese with English summary
Description of presentation:
Prof. Jeff Berglund has been living and working in Japan for 42 years. He recently published a book that he has written in Japanese about what he thinks is the most important characteristic of the Japanese communication style, what he calls jushinryoku, literally “the power of receiving.” This book is less like a textbook and more accessible to the general public. He is in the process of translating the book into English (his native language) and hopes to publish it the year after next.
In his new book, Jeff expands the concept of receiver-responsible to analyze various aspects of Japanese culture and communication patterns.
The presentation will focus on the concept of jushinryoku and its use as an analytical tool in understanding Japanese cultural and communication patterns.
Profile of presenter:
Graduated from Carleton College in 1970 with B. A. in religion. Has been living and teaching in Japan for 39 years. Currently professor of intercultural communication at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. Has extensive experience interviewing people with disabilities. M. A. from University of the Pacific, 2009.