The Contrast Culture Method (CCM) is an intercultural education method that was developed in the 1960s by Dr. Edward Stewart—a pioneer of the intercultural field. SIETAR’s CCM Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed in 1999 and has been offering sessions for different groups ever since then. For the first time, the CCM SIG is offering an intensive 3-day workshop (May 5-7), which will be open to anyone who is interested in experiencing the method (day 1), to be followed by trainings for those interested in learning more about CCM involving training to become a role player and/or a facilitator (days 2 & 3).
Venue: Nanzan Gakuen Research Center, Irinaka, Nagoya.
Accommodation: available at the Center for very reasonable rates for those interested
Required: Application form available through Donna Fujimoto at
Deadline: Sun. April 23, 2017
For the application form, map to the venue, poster and any questions or further details, contact
Donna Fujimoto at