SIETAR Kansai May 2018 – Annual Field Trip – Bahá’í Faith

SIETAR Kansai May 2018

– Annual Field Trip – Bahá’í Faith


Sunday, May 13 – from 13:45 to 17:00


May is the month for our annual field trip. In the past we have visited the Kobe mosque, the Cathedral of St. Maria of Tamatsukuri of Osaka, the Buddhist community of Shinnyoen in Settsu-Tonda, Osaka, the Quaker community of Kansai and the Jewish synagogue in Kobe. This year our plan is to learn more about the Bahá’í faith.

The Bahá’í Faith is a religion which initially started in Persia (present day Iran) and parts of the Middle East. This faith addresses such essential themes as the worth of all religions and the oneness of humanity. It believes in freedom from prejudice, the fundamental equality of the sexes, the harmony between religion and science, and the importance of education. Racism and nationalism are openly rejected, and there is a strong belief in the goodness of community. Presently there are approximately 5-7 million adherents around the world.

We are fortunate to learn more about Bahá’í from severalpeople, among them, Mr. Bijan Dadfar and Mr. Amin Ghadimi, and we will meet in Amagasaki. You are invited to join our field trip. This is open to all who are interested, both SIETAR members and non-members alike.


We will meet at

13:45 noon

at the north exit of Hankyu Mukonoso Station.

(Language: English)


To sign up,

please contact Donna Fujimoto at

(the deadline is May 10)

In your email, write your full name, and cell phone. If you are interested in having dinner with us after our visit, be sure to write this in your email so we can make reservations.

The purpose of life and the development of spiritual qualities

(Japanese translation is in the below.)


SIETAR 関西   2018年度5月例会


5月13日(日) - 13:45~17:00



幸運にもこの度、Bijan Dadfar氏やAmin Ghadimi氏といった方々から、バハイ信教についてさらに詳しいお話を伺う機会に恵まれました。皆さんも尼崎でのフィールドトリップに参加してみませんか。SIETARの会員でも、非会員の方でも、関心のある方なら大歓迎です。当日は午後1時45分に、阪急電鉄「武庫之荘」駅北口にてお会いしましょう。(言語:英語)

参加ご希望の方は、氏名と携帯電話番号をご記載の上、Donna Fujimoto(宛にメールにてお申し込みください。締め切りは5月10日です。また、訪問後の夕食にも参加を希望される方は、予約を致しますので、その旨をメールにお書き添えください。
