December 2018 SIETAR Kansai   A Workshop for Media Literacy: Deciphering the Term, “Foreigners”as Reported by the Media

Presenter: Tomoyuki Tajima(University Lecturer)

Date: Sunday, December 9th, 2018 (2:30pm~5:30pm)

Place: Takatsuki Sogo Shimin Koryu Center, 4th floor, Room 4

(1 minute from JR Takatsuki station) Tel. 072-6853721

Fee: Free for members and students; 500 yen for non-members

Language: Japanese

Social event: There will be a Bonenkai at a nearby restaurant afterwards. Reservations for dinner are required by Wednesday, December 5th. Contact

Description of the Presentation

We are surrounded by a wide variety of media such as TV, internet, mobile phones, newspapers, etc. How does the Japanese media portray messages about “foreigners” or “foreign countries”? To create a society that values diversity, it is vital to look critically at how the media portrays them. In the first half of this workshop, the speaker will explain how we can develop critical and creative perspectives about today’s media. In the latter half of the workshop, the participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussion to analyze “foreigners” in the media and to examine the relationship between us and the media.

Profile of the Presenter
Tomoyuki Tajima currently teaches at several universities, such as Kyoto Prefectural University and Kwansei Gakuin University. He is a board member of the NPO FCT Study Group of Media Literacy, and he is also involved in the activities of young people frommulticultural backgrounds. Tajima is the co-author of Introduction to the New Study Guide of Media Literacy (Liberta Shuppan), and the co-translator of the book entitled, Curriculum for Media and Information Literacy for Teachers(UNESCO/AMILEC).