Speaker: Dr. Satsuki Ina, Cross-cultural psychotherapist and filmmaker
Date: Saturday, May 19, 2007
Time: 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:00)
Venue: Takatsuki Shiritsu Sogo Shimin Koryu Center
(高槻市立総合市民交流センター)視聴覚室 5th floor
(1 minute from JR Takatsuki Station)
Fee: 500 yen for members and students; 1,000 yen for non-members
Sponsors: SIETAR Kansai, the Nikkei Gathering & Osaka JALT
Dr. Satsuki Ina was born in a U.S.internment camp during World War II. She has made an Emmy award-winning docudrama about her family’s heartbreaking story of their incarceration. Although the events of this story happened over 60 years ago, the issues of loyalty, patriotism, resistance, dissidence, racial profiling, and personal liberties during times of war remain with us today in the post 9/11 world. Dr. Ina is currently visiting Japan from California, and she will be on hand to answer questions after the screening of “From a Silk Cocoon.” (in English with Japanese subtitles)