2022年度6月 SIETAR 関西 「教室の外に広がる学生たちの活動」
Students Have Lives Outside the Classroom
Speakers: Atsushi Fujibayashi and Ryusei Akita (Konan University)
Date: June 19, 2022 (Sunday)
Time: 14:00-17:00
Fee: Free for all
Language: English (Q & A in English and Japanese)
ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*
Contact: fujimotodonna@gmail.com to get the Zoom link; for any questions.
Description: Teachers tend to have an image of their students that is fairly stable, since their experience with them is limited to the classroom. It sometimes happens, though, that instructors gain a different view when they see them during a club activity, at the school fair, or at other off-campus events. Oftentimes these students show a different side of themselves that is surprising. This presentation is an opportunity to see two students whose identity is not simply one of a student.
時間: 14:00~17:00
費用: 無料
言語: 英語 (質疑応答は英語と日本語)
Atsushi Fujibayashi hitchhiked across Japan at age 17; then hitchhiked from LA to NY at age 18, and began his world travels at age 19.

Ryusei Akita began to work at event management as a student, and he learned enough to start his own business. He has had the position of CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and now as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). He has learned to juggle his university studies with running his own business. Join us to learn more about these amazing students.